T: 07768007960 E: info@seanholtclinic.co.uk
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Mole or skin cancer check in Norwich

We are here to give you peace of mind if you are worried about your moles or skin lesions. We are offering a complete body check for £175. Dr Holt has performed skin surgery since 1998.
We can help you with a:

  • Complete body check using Dermoscopy. This can aid detection of the early signs of a lesion turning cancerous.
  • Many patients are opting for a yearly check up to give themselves peace of mind.
  • You have the option to have benign lesion removed in our minor skin surgery.

The procedure

We will take a history relevant to your skin.
We are happy to look at any area of skin you wish to show us, you may need to remove clothing. A female chaperone is available (Dr Holt is a male doctor), you are welcome to bring a family member or friend.
Confidential pictures may be taken, only with your consent for recording purposes and then if needed a more detailed look with the dermascope.
A gel is sometimes needed with the dermascope and sometimes we mark lesions with a special skin pen that washes in off in a day or two.
If there is a lesion or lesions that potentially may be of concern, then we can recommend you attend your GP for a referral to the NHS. Or if your happy to be referred to a private dermatologist or plastic surgeon of your choice we can do this for you direct.

As a GP based service, it is not our intention to remove skin lesions/moles that potentially could be of concern. We aim to remove only benign lesions, these lesions may be sent to the histology labs for analysis as this is the only 100% method of determining if a skin lesion is safe.

For all round sun protection we strongly recommend Heliocare 360° which provides high-level, broad-spectrum protection against UVA, UVB, Visible Light – including Blue Light from digital devices – and Infrared-A.  

For 10 % discount on your order please use:
Link:  www.heliocare.co.uk
Discount Code: Sean10